Saturday 7 April 2012

Versatile Blogger

The lovely, and very talented lady Susan May James who blogs over at Scribble & Scatter has very kindly included me in her Awesome 15, and awarded me The Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you so much Susan, it is very much appreciated.

Now, according to the rules I must choose my own Awesome 15, not an easy task as there are so many good writers and bloggers out there.

After much thought and deliberation, here are the fifteen awesome writers I have chosen. Most of them are fiction writers, a couple of them have not been active for a while, but they are only resting, not retired. Meanwhile check out their blogs and their archives, there is some brilliant stuff in there.

John Xero: - Xeroverse: Missing Pieces.

Aidan Fritz: - Aidan Writes.

Nickie O'Hara: - Typecast.

Stephen Hewitt: - Cafe Shorts.

Colin James: - The I-10 Blog.

Helen A Howell: - Helen Scribbles.

John Wiswell: - The Bathroom Monologues.

Harry B Sanderford: - Harry B Sanderford.

Icy Sedgwick: - Icy's Blunt Pencil.

Tim VanSant: - otoh.

Stephen Book: - Powder Burns & Bullets.

Larry Kollar: - Tale From FAR Manor.

Marc Nash: - Sulci Collective.

Richard Bon: - Liminal Fiction.

Justin Davies: - The Flyingscribbler.

Peter Newman:- Run Pete, Write.

It wasn't easy choosing writers for the list, it would be nice to just link to all of the writers that I read, but sadly I'm only allowed fifteen.

PS. I've just noticed that somehow I've missed out Peter Newman, how on earth did that happen? Oh well, it will have to be my awesome sixteen then.

Best wishes with all your future works guys.

Steve Green.


  1. I think you well deserve this award, you as a writer have shown us time and again your versatility. I thank you also for passing this award on to me and am honoured that you feel I deserve it too. ^_^

    1. Hiya Helen, and thank you for the very kind words. It's nice to know that my writing is appreciated, it's also nice to be able to pass on that good feeling to others who deserve it too. :-)

  2. Congrats, Steve! And thanks for bestowing the award on me as well. This is the first award my blog has received and I have to admit, seeing awards like this one on your blog and others over the years, I've always wanted one! So thanks again.

  3. P.S. I'll pass on the award per the rules, but I won't have a chance to do so until later tonight. Thanks again!

    1. Hi Richard, thanks for the congrats, and you are welcome for the award, it's nice to be able to show that we appreciate anothers writing skills.

      Making the list is always difficult, because no matter how many choices you have, you always feel as though there should be more.

  4. Thanks Steve. It's quite nice being the special number 16! :)

    1. You are welcome Peter, I enjoy your writing very much. It wasn't until after I published the post that I realised your name wasn't in there, and I couldn't just leave it at that... :-)

  5. Hi Steve. Part of my protocol for Liminal Fiction is that all posts are flash fiction. For this very reason, I have a separate blog I call 'miscellany' where I post whatever I want, whenever I want. Hence, I've passed on the Versatile Blogger Award there, thanks again, here's a link: http://richardbon.blogspot.com/2012/04/versatile-blogger-award.html

    1. You're welcome Richard. I'll be having a look at Miscellany shortly. :-)

  6. Thanks Stephen! I'll play along this weekend.

    1. Hiya John, I'll look forward to reading your list. :-)

  7. Congratulations, and thank you, Steve! ^_^

    1. Thanks John, and you're quite welcome, it is very much deserved. :-)

  8. I'd like to thank all the little people who made this award possible. [And by "little people" of course I mean the voices in my head.]

    1. Hahaha! Hey Tim, I'm not so very tall, so I guess you could count me as one of the little people who made this possible too. :-)

  9. Hi Steve, Congratulations on your Versatility! You've got quite a crop of writers in your awesome sixteen and I'm honored to be included in them.

    1. Thanks Aidan, and you certainly deserve a place in my top 16, (it was only supposed to be 15, but I don't think anyone will be upset about it. :-) )

  10. Okay, I've played along with some variations, Steve!


    1. Hiya John, I'll pop over and have a look. :-)

  11. Congrats Steve on doing so well at the Versatiles -- very much deserved. And thank you for including me in your crack 16. Things have been kinda quiet over my side for a while, but I'm going to lay out some fresh cheddar and blow the dust off the mouse-organ -- it's time for this floppy old, baggy old, cloth cat to get going again. St.

    1. Stephen, thank you so much, and your own place in there is very much well-deserved. I am very much looking forward to seeing this eloquent cheddar, and hearing the sweet tones of the mouse organ again.

      It's great to see you on here again, mate. :-)
